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The Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport (YQM) became the first privatized National Airport System airport in Atlantic Canada on September 1, 1997 – 60 years after first opening.

The Greater Moncton International Airport Authority Inc. (GMIAA) is a not-for-profit corporation headed by the board of directors. The corporation has no shareholders and receives no government funding or subsidies.

The board of directors is composed of 14 experienced community leaders who are nominated by a number of government levels and organizations:

  • City of Moncton
  • City of Dieppe
  • Town of Riverview
  • Government of Canada
  • Province of New Brunswick
  • Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce
  • Southeast Regional Service Commission
  • Greater Moncton International Airport Authority Inc.

Board of Directors Vacancy – Greater Moncton International Airport Authority

The Greater Moncton International Airport Authority (GMIAA) is seeking applicants for a position on its Board of Directors.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their expressions of interest, including a resume and cover letter, via Indeed. Submissions should detail education, volunteer work, board/committee experience, professional background, and contact information (phone number, mailing address, and email). Please also include a brief explanation of your interest in serving on the GMIAA Board and why you would be a strong candidate.

Click here to learn more.

Deadline for submission: March 28 at 4 p.m. AST

Board of Directors


Luc Elsliger

ChairCity of Dieppe

James Lockyer

Vice ChairCity of Moncton
Janice Lirette Evers, CPA, CASecretary/TreasurerGreater Moncton International Airport Authority Inc.
Scott Lewis
DirectorChamber of Commerce of Greater Moncton
Arthur AllanDirectorTown of Riverview
Patrick C. GrewDirectorTown of Riverview
Jean Corriveau
DirectorCity of Dieppe
Mike MageeDirectorGovernment of Canada
Peter McIntyreDirectorCity of Moncton
VacantDirectorSoutheast Regional Service Commission







Ian Franklin

DirectorProvince of New Brunswick

Réjean S. Després, MBA

DirectorGreater Moncton International Airport Authority Inc.

Camilla Cormier, CPA, CA

DirectorGreater Moncton International Airport Authority Inc.

Francis LeBlanc

DirectorGovernment of Canada




